5 Minutes Free On Long Calls
Banglalink has brought another 5 minutes free on long calls ,amazing offer for its Banglalink Desh hello, Ek Rate Darun, Desh, Desh 10FnF, 1 Second Pulse, Play consumers who can now talk for longer time in every call
Offer details:
- Prepaid customers who are availing only base package tariff (Banglalink Desh hello, Ek Rate Darun, Desh, Desh 10FnF, 1 Second Pulse, Play) shall be eligible for this offer.
- For every Banglalink to Banglalink call of 5 minutes and above, the next 5 minutes shall be free.
- The free minutes shall be disbursed and have to be consumed during the call itself.
- Customer shall get 5 free minutes only once during a call, for example if a call is of 20 minutes duration, the customer shall get 5 free minutes after the initial 5 minutes, and no additional free minutes shall be given during this call.
- Prepaid customers who are availing any kind of special tariff or bonus offers shall not be eligible for this offer.
- Call & Control Customers shall not be eligible for this offer.
- Only Banglalink to-Banglalink calls (excluding FnF & SFnF) shall be eligible for this offer.
- To opt-in for the offer customer has to dial: *166*555#.
- To opt-out from this offer customer has to dial: *166*777#
- This is a limited time offer.
- VAT, SD & SC applicable.
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