banglalink facilitated mobile balance auto recharge | bKash

Don't worry, Be happy cause there is no tension to cut off your mobile connection connectivity of banglalink due to a facilitation facilities of banglalink auto recharge so while your calling balance is low then your mobile calling balance will be add automatically in your banglalink main account *124# or check through smart dialing option *121*100# from your bKash mobile wallet.

What is Auto recharge?

When a customer enable this feature from bKash, whenever his/her balance reach certain threshold, talk time balance will be auto recharged through his pre-selected amount. If balance in bKash account is not available no recharge will take place. 

Key things to remember:

     Customer must have bKash account
     Customer must pre-select auto recharge amount. It can be any amount from TK 20 to TK 1000
     Only Banglalink prepaid customers will get this feature
     Customer can auto recharge only his / her number
     Customer must have auto recharge amount in his/her bKash wallet
     Auto recharge will take place when customer balance is below or equal to TK 10
     Customer can auto recharge daily once

banglalink auto recharge by banglalink pabna

Hopefully, this mobile balance auto recharge facilities brought to you by banglalink innovative idea will help you a lot and will bring you a chance of worry free talking. 

আমাদের ঠিকানা: 
বাংলালিংক সেলস্ এ্যান্ড সার্ভিস সেন্টার
টাউন গার্লস হাই স্কুল মার্কেট
আব্দুল হামিদ রোড

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